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Hypnotherapy Services in Highgate, London N6

As a qualified Hypnotherapist and NLP Master Practitioner and Coach, Jonathan Conway has nearly 30 years’ experience and has earned respect for the positive results achieved for his clients*.

Jonathan can be seen by appointment at his consulting rooms in Highgate, North London, where he offers treatment sessions in hypnotherapy, NLP, executive coaching and personal development. Clients are able to make positive life changes, increasing their confidence and motivation, enabling them to deal effectively with stressful situations*.

For a more in- depth understanding of how Jonathan can help you, please browse through the website. If you would like to book a consultation please call 0203 283 8139 or 07956 855 027

The Conway Practice,
West Hill House,
6 Swains Lane,
London N6 6QS

Tel: 0203 283 8139
Mob: 07956 855 027

You may want to quit smoking or are finding it difficult to lose weight, have a phobia or daily habits that are causing you distress. Perhaps you find exams stressful and have a fear of failure. Executive stress is common, causing problems in the workplace which then affect your leisure time.

Hypnotherapy and NLP coaching will free you from these problems, leaving you more focused on the key goals in your life, putting you back in control and leaving you more relaxed about your life*.

Everything discussed during your consultation with Jonathan will be held in absolute confidence.

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Book your FREE telephone consultation today on 07956 855 027

Fees at The Conway Practice Hypnotherapy, Highgate, London N6

General Hypnotherapy & NLP Consultations

  • 1st Consultation (up to 1.5 hours) – £120
  • Follow Up Consultation                  – £100

Hypnotherapy to Stop Smoking

  • – £350 (Includes a follow up session if booked within 12 months)

Terms of Booking:

50% deposit required with booking

Cancellation Fees:

100% of fee payable if not cancelled 48 hours prior to the appointment