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Executive CoachingPublic Speaking and Presentations

Professional Coaching Can Help With Stress

By March 4, 2015April 29th, 2019No Comments

Professional Coaching Can Help With Stress*

executive-coaching-brightonDo you feel that your executive or management role carries with it not only responsibility, but also a daily struggle coping with the stress it brings? You may be reluctant to let your colleagues see that you are under pressure and feel somewhat isolated at times with issues that need to be resolved. Jonathan Conway provides professional coaching at the Conway Practice that will help with your stress management*.

Through a combination of coaching, hypnotherapy and NLP, you will learn how to increase your mental resilience and build your self-confidence and personal development*.

Your subconscious mind is programmed to respond automatically to a situation causing you to react instinctively without thinking. This habitual thought process has to be re-conditioned in order to generate a positive mindset. You may for instance have found yourself ‘drying up’ during a presentation and stumbling over your words.

Consequently, however well rehearsed you are, subsequent presentations may trigger the anxious feelings you had previously and so the problem re-occurs each time you speak in public. During coaching sessions the core problem will be identified and addressed, enabling you to change the way you think, feel and behave*.

The recall of negative situations can be replaced with positive thought, putting you back in control.
 In a leadership role, as a manager, executive or business owner, you will generally be seen as the decision maker and be expected to inspire confidence in others. This may seem a lonely place to be at times, especially if you have little peer support, or you don’t know how to ask for it without appearing inadequate for the task in hand.

Executive Coaching will help with stress management and to also understand how to get the best out of your colleagues by learning how to communicate and delegate effectively*.

If you are experiencing stress at work, your strategic and creative thought will be weakened. Not only does stress affect our emotional balance, it also causes physical reactions as well. How often have you found yourself saying that your work has given you a headache and this can literally be the case. Poor sleep patterns are also a result of bringing home a problem that won’t allow you to switch off and relax. If stress is affecting your work and your personal life, hypnotherapy, NLP and executive coaching are highly effective tools in resolving the problem*.

You will have an improved state of mind, improved relationships with staff and fellow directors and improved prospects of success for your business. Finally, you will be stress-free and relaxed*.

If you would like to know more about how coaching can help with stress, please leave a comment below or contact The Conway Practice today by calling 01273 540 425 or 07956 855 027