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Executive CoachingHypnotherapy in Harley Street

Executive Coaching with Hypnotherapy in Harley Street

By December 1, 2014April 29th, 2019No Comments

Executive Coaching with Hypnotherapy in Harley Street

The Conway PracticeDo you need help with executive coaching in Harley Street? In the corporate world, executives are expected to achieve a high level of performance every day. It’s becoming increasingly common to experience work-related stress and decision makers are constantly faced with challenges with the requirement to project a confident and ‘in control’ image to co-workers in order to retain a competitive edge.

In the fast pace of the world we live in demands are high, with stress in the work-place often spilling over into family and personal life. You may feel that your corporate role puts you under pressure so that at times you are expected to deliver a super-human performance.

This cycle of stress can result in a struggle to balance work and home life to the extent that you feel you are in danger of not managing either very well.

Hypnotherapy and NLP combined with coaching are extremely effective*.

During sessions at the Conway Practice, Jonathan will help you to identify where you want to be in your career and how you can best reach that goal. It may simply be that you want to continue in your current role but would like to perform more efficiently and without feeling under constant pressure. Jonathan will work with you to increase your motivation to succeed and improve your self-confidence*.

You may have particular issues that you need to resolve. For example, perhaps you are uncomfortable with public speaking or presenting to a panel. If you find interviews stressful this risks having a negative impact on progressing your career.

It’s essential that the root cause of any anxiety is identified. It may be traced to a difficulty in speaking up in the school classroom and you are now concerned that you will receive a poor response if you say the wrong thing.

This is a recognised phobia, known as glossophobia. Any unfounded fears you may have can be helped greatly by hypnotherapy and NLP, enabling you to develop the self-belief to demonstrate improved management skills and leave your stress and anxiety in the past*.

Hypnotherapy allows your negative thoughts to be re-tuned, creating positive and long-lasting change in your life*.

If you would like to know more about how Jonathan can help with executive coaching, please contact him at the Conway Practice or leave a comment below.