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Hypnotherapy Brightonlose weight

Hypnotherapy in Brighton and Hove for help with weight loss

By October 8, 2018April 29th, 2019No Comments

Hypnotherapy in Brighton and Hove for help with weight loss*

Hypnotherapy in BrightonHow would you describe your relationship with food? Recognising the reason behind any negative eating habits is the first step towards understanding how you can regain control. Hypnotherapy in Brighton & Hove at the Conway Practice can help you to lose weight and maintain the weight loss without the need for crash dieting or fad diets which are not a long-term solution for healthy weight management.*

The compulsion to overeat or to eat unhealthy, weight-gaining foods often has complex origins, which may be traced back as far as early childhood. Family influences and eating habits such as being pressured to finish a meal or if food was restricted, can result in this conditioning persisting into adulthood with no conscious awareness of the negative effects.

While in the relaxed state of hypnosis the mind is more open to positive imagery and suggestion, enabling Jonathan Conway to access the memories stored in the subconscious.* A comforting memory when associated with food for instance, can trigger emotional eating when faced with stressful or challenging situations. Trying to lose weight in itself can cause anxiety, which then lowers motivation and increases the desire for food which relates to providing comfort. This is especially relevant if you are under pressure to lose weight for medical reasons, or in time for a special event.

Lack of self-esteem can be responsible for a ‘why bother’ defeatist attitude, sabotaging any attempts to improve your eating habits. While your inner voice  wants to improve your eating habits, the negativity of your critical conscious mind may cause you to doubt that you will succeed in reaching your weight loss goal. Hypnotherapy can be very effective for increasing self-worth and motivation, enabling you to focus on your true potential.

Jonathan will help you to recognise the traps which trigger mindless or emotional eating and to introduce calming techniques reducing stress and anxiety, leaving you free to achieve sustainable weight loss and get back on track with a much healthier lifestyle.

Call Jonathan Conway today on 07956 855027