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Manage a Fear of Flying with Hypnosis in Brighton

By July 11, 2023No Comments

Hypnotherapy for Phobias at The Conway PracticeA fear of flying and other travel phobias can stem from a variety of factors, often originating from deep-rooted anxieties and personal experiences. These fears can have a significant impact,  limiting the ability to engage in both personal and professional opportunities which involve travelling. Therapeutic intervention with hypnosis to manage a fear of flying in Brighton and to address other travel phobias, is available at The Conway Practice, or remotely by Zoom, Skype or telephone.*

Understanding the underlying causes can help to address and manage these phobic reactions effectively:

1. Control and Safety: Extreme anxiety when you are faced with travelling by air is often linked to a lack of personal control and concerns about safety. The idea of being thousands of feet above the ground can trigger feelings of helplessness and vulnerability. Media coverage of accidents and incidents can further exacerbate these fears, despite the fact that flying is statistically one of the safest modes of transportation.

2. Traumatic Experiences: Negative experiences, such as turbulent flights, emergency landings or a previous panic attack during a flight can leave lasting impressions and lead to ongoing travel phobias. These emotional associations may result in the belief that all future travel experiences will be overwhelming and anxiety-inducing.

3. Claustrophobia and a Fear of Heights: The fear of flying may be intertwined with pre-existing phobias, such as claustrophobia (fear of enclosed spaces) or acrophobia (fear of heights). The combination of being confined in an aircraft cabin and the perception of being high above the ground can intensify these fears.

4. Fear of the Unknown: Travel phobias can also arise from a fear of the unfamiliar. Leaving your comfort zone, or sitting next to strangers can trigger anxiety and a sense of being out of control. These anxieties can extend beyond flying to other forms of travel, such as train, boat or road journeys and even during daily commutes to work.

Overcoming a travel phobia often requires a multi-faceted approach and during hypnotherapy sessions with Jonathan Conway, your subconscious triggers and negative association with travel will be explored.* This therapeutic process can help you to challenge and reframe these thoughts, gradually building confidence in your ability to remain calm before and during the journey.* Relaxation methods, such as deep breathing exercises, distraction techniques or positive visualisation can also be beneficial in managing anxiety symptoms and reducing stress levels.* With the right strategies and support, hypnotherapy can help you to overcome your fears and potentially open up new opportunities both personally and professionally.*

To make an appointment call Jonathan today on 07956 855 027