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Lose Weight with Brighton Hypnotherapy in 2023

By January 13, 2023No Comments

HYpnotherapy in Harley StreetAt the beginning of a new year it’s common to focus on setting goals and re-evaluating your lifestyle. You may set yourself a challenge to follow a healthier eating plan but are concerned that you might find it difficult to maintain. Help to lose weight with Brighton Hypnotherapy in 2023 is available at the Conway Practice, or during remote sessions by Zoom, Skype or telephone.* Therapeutic intervention with hypnosis looks beyond the issue with weight loss, exploring your relationship with food and an emotional reliance on eating to manage stress and anxiety, or boredom due to social isolation.*

Our subconscious connection with food generally forms in early childhood and is often influenced by family customs, where food is either given as a form of comfort or a reward, but it can also be withheld as a punitive measure. Although you may have no conscious recollection of these distant memories and associations, they nevertheless are likely to be relevant to your adult eating habits. While you are deeply relaxed in a hypnotic state of mind, the neural pathways to your subconscious will be more open to constructive mediation and any negative behaviour or beliefs can be addressed by identifying the origin.*

Understanding your attachment to food and the part eating plays in your daily life is a crucial step in regaining control. You may rely on certain foods as a consolation for difficult days or to relieve stress, even though the comfort may be short-lived. Mindless or compulsive eating frequently occurs when someone is on their own and distracted by a movie or scrolling through their phone, with no conscious awareness of how much is being consumed. Hypnotherapy can also help you to recognise the difference between emotional and physical hunger.*

Weight loss with hypnotherapy is achieved with a holistic approach, without the need for fad or crash dieting.* New coping mechanisms can be introduced, with calming methods and relaxation techniques to reduce stress and anxiety.* Any negative thoughts or self-beliefs will be replaced with positive affirmations to increase confidence and motivation.* All hypnotherapy sessions with Jonathan Conway will be completely confidential and under strict professional ethics.

For an appointment call Jonathan Conway today on 07956 855 027